Thursday, 1 January 2015

A Revolution in the way of getting recruited, A Webconsolidates Startup

The toughest part was being a part of business deals and seeing that sceptical look in the other party’s eyes. I was constantly doubted by my colleagues and my senior co-business partners. It was becoming difficult to show people what I was capable of. The deals use to go down before any foundation of trust could be laid.
Like that all the opportunities flew away just because no one cared to ask what my qualification was and what knowledge I had.

Therefore I decided to make a digital e-resume for myself and a profile for my ideology for business, all the schemes that I wanted to implement in my business. I gave the contract of my digital e-resume to Web Consolidates. They built my complete company profile and all my qualifications together into an impressive portfolio. It contained all that I wanted to tell my partners but rarely got a chance to convey. Before any deal was done I sent a link of my portfolio to the other party so that they could have a look at whom they are going to crack a deal with. And it really worked. People of the business world started recognizing me and my company. I got offers for so many deals that helped my organization grow into the huge venture it is today. All this was possible because of my digital e-resume and the efforts pulled together by team Web Consolidates.


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